Karate Into The Olympics 2020

Karate Into The Olympics 2020

Signature-collecting Campaign for Karate into the Olympics 2020

Looking forward to the Tokyo Olympics 2020, Japan Karatedo Federation has been making every effort for the inclusion of Karate into the Olympics with the support of Nippon Budo-kan, Japan Budo Association, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Promotion of the Tokyo Olympics 2020, which has been set up with more than 110 members from both Houses of Parliament.

Now we are in the middle of our signature-collecting campaign together with JKF members and all karate fans.

The inclusion of Karate to the Olympics gives hopes and dreams to everybody in the karate world and also to the next generation.

In order to publicise the overwhelming wave of passionate vocal support for Karate to the Olympics to the world, as well as in Japan, we would like to ask your full support for and cooperation with this signature-collecting campaign.

Takashi Sasagawa President Japan Karatedo Federation


こ の度、公益財団法人全日本空手道連盟では、2020年に開催される東京オリンピックでの空手道競技採用に向けて、110名を超えた衆参両院による 空手道推進議員連盟の立ち上げや、(公財)日本武道館・日本武道協議会のご支援、空手道の 2020年オリンピック正式種目採用を推進する会での積極的な活動など、様々な企画を実施しております。つきましては、空手道愛好者と全日本空手道連盟会 員の方々と一体となったオリンピック採用活動を進めていきたいという思いから、署名活動の実施を企画いたしました。 



公益財団法人全日本空手道連盟 会長 笹川 堯

Sign the petition here

Posted on 01/06/2015 Home, News 0 1783

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